Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Unexpected

Some days life takes you in a unexpected direction. There are peaks and valley's! That is when I seek comfort in the fact the Lord has promised he will not give us more than we can bear..I must remember I am so blessed, I have a home that keeps me warm, I have endless hugs from a husband and children who love me and I have a Heavenly Father who knows me, loves me and will watch over me; even carry me if necessary!
I heard today someone say "we reap what we sow" what does that mean? I like the analogy pay it forward.. How many times do we stop for someone who has been waiting in a turn lane with traffic backed up or allowed someone with only 1 item to go ahead in a line!! I think to myself "Melinda pay it forward, you may need it someday".I definently feel better when I do.
This week has looked like me going a mile a minute non stop and that can mean someone gets left behind. Tonight I got valuable feedback that I left my sweetheart behind,I think to myself ive been so busy. Isn't it easy to take for granted the things we love most!!
I am so glad I have a husband who loves me enough to let me know when my priorities get out of whack! That's why being married is so wonderful! I am so lucky to have someone to share my fears with, the joys, the happy moments everything with!!

1 comment:

  1. You made me cry! I love being connected to you even if it is only through the internet. Life is so busy but this allows me an oportunity to stay connected to people I love and care about. You inspire me! Thanks for being a wonderful wife to my big brother! I know he is in good hands!



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