Friday, January 9, 2009

Middle School

How many of u girls remember middle school?? Oh yes I am sure that is the part about our lives we have longed to forget. But by high school atleast for me I new who I was and all the mean girls did not exist much for me anymore. I have been thinking about how I figured that out. I think it came as I understood I was a daughter of a Heavenly Father that loved me and he gave me gifts and talents that made me special!! I learned that my gifts and talents were great and if I focused on those things it did not matter whether others liked me because I LIKED ME!
Well, we have arrived! My Jessica is knee deep in it, no matter how much I find myself trying to help her as a parent I want to take it away. But those lessons I learned shaped who I am today.. It is those things Heavenly Father knew we needed to learn and he gave us tools and resources to help get us through.
Seth and I are both tag teaming this challenge, seth has great insight. He did have 5 sisters. That should make him an expert right!! He is a great comfort for her and I do my best to just listen, hug and remind her how wonderful she is. Jessica is a bright, creative and talented young lady with a tremendously bright future...she will traverse and lern much over the next few months.
For the Macdonald's:
Another week down and 51 weeks left this year.. This will be A wonderful year! I have the best husband and children EVER!!


  1. I remember those days, they can be really rough. But I agree with you Melinda those experiences really help you to grow. Sounds like you and Seth are a great support and comfort for her. Tell her to hang in there and that she has lots of people who love her and think that she is an amazing person.

  2. Aw!! Tell Jessica i love her! And as much as anyone can help her, she'll figure it out :) she is a smart girl and it'll make her even stronger as the beautiful young women she is becoming!! I bet you and Seth are doing an excellent job on helping her and being there! I LOVE you guys sooo much!!! And I miss all of you! Can't wait for February!! :) :)

  3. Thanks Mom for posting that I really feel like now I can turn my back to those mean comments every time I hear them thanks



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