Eggs in a nest a BIG birthday bump completed by Seth, Lizzie, Jessica and Zach... First gift of the day cubscouting book and shirt!! Yes we did get the cake done and everyone cross your fingers the chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream turns out!!
Jessica straightened her own hair.. Growing up is FUN. Independence is funner, but with it comes more responsibility. Yeah for mom and dad another helper!
Its a sunny crisp morning, love it!! Sweaters on and ready for a great day at work let's hope last weeks result prove good results in the standings.. For those who don't know wednesday is "D" day, did my team deliver?? Let's hope we have something to celebrate its 2009 time to show what we are made of. Have a great day!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLE!!!! We love you and hope your birthday was a blast!!
Andrea and Brandon