Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Another Day in rainy Tyler

I did it I got Kyle's baptism date confirmed Feb 14th at 10am yep Valentines Day..easy to remember. This week Jessica has to do a cell project, seth and I are putting our heads together to allow Jess to really use her creativity. It will be fun!! Everyone back to school.. Lizzie wants to try and grow her bangs out. FUN!! Zachary yesterday when asked how his day was said, " awesome" when I asked why he said I don't know life is just AWESOME. How cool is that to believe every day is just awesome! We had the best weekend lots of football and church at 9 am is awesome!
I have a new sunbeam class 5 new little 3 year olds.. I forgot how young that is! We crawled around on the floor singing Old MacDonald had a farm.. Let's see we were cows, horses, lions, cats, birds, pigs and more. We had an exotic farm.. But the children won't forget my name and it filled a good portion of our time! It was fun.. I am so tired and tomorrow is kyle birthday so seth made a cake today and I made the cookie dough balls for the homemade cookie dough ice cream.. It will be quite a busy day with a full day at work in between!! Till we meet again.. Have an awesome day!!

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